Joseph White: NPI for a Mental Health Counselor practicing in Virginia
What is a Psychological wellness Instructor?
Those people who suffer from mental and emotional illness cannot be treated except by the advice and consulting they receive from intellectuals and professional counselors like Joseph White. These professionals also undergo trainings of wide-ranging diagnoses and treatments encompassing expansive conditions that come in the form of anxiety, anxiety disorder, anxiety anxiety-related disorders, through to an elaborate form of trauma and much more. Counsellors that use various forms of treatment for their clients help by guiding them on ways about coping with their problems, the selves, and mainly through becoming sound-minded.
Qualifications and License to Practice among Mental Health Counselors in Virginia
At least master’s degree in counseling or any other course. The one must apply for such education to fulfill his or her minimum requirement of this case. After securing all forms of preparatory schooling, he or she needs to pass a licensing exam that was properly approved by the state. Lastly, a counselor should be given a National Provider Identifier. This was actually a unique number designed to identify healthcare providers and uniquely number them in the United States. They thus hoped that it would even make easier the work issuing of bills with every particular provider included in the system.
Application of NPI in Healthcare
The NPI will be assigned a unique 10-digit number for all of its health-care providers including mental health counselors. An assigned number provides more comfort while making the bill and claims about the getting of mental health services.
Background Profession Regarding Joseph White
A very highly academically, one is made a licensed mental health counselor through a master’s degree. Joseph White says that he completed his undergraduate in psychology with a graduate degree in counseling psychology; he believes it richly equipped him with very much therapeutic knowledge, human behaviors, and theories about the mental well-being.
Specializations in Mental Health
Joseph White specializes in a few treatment areas. His main practice areas include anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress management. This makes it possible for him to target patients in the most effective ways possible.
Mental Health Conditions Treated by Joseph White
Mental Health Conditions Anxiety and Depression
In this world, anxiety and depression are the most prevalent mental health disorders that people undergo. Maintaining a working record with clients, Joseph White assists them in applying such evidence-based therapies as cognitive-behavioral therapy, helping them better deal with disorders, minimize symptoms, and build up resilience.
For the traumatized, Joseph White emphasizes trauma-focused therapy; he uses similar mechanisms to process the traumatic memory and reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder both from emotion and physiology.
Coping Skills
If not managed correctly, stress may lead to quite bad mental and physical complications. Joseph White white of learning teaches clients how to learn some skills that might apply in real life in addition to some mindfulness practice for managing stress.
Services that Joseph White Provides
Counselling in Sessions
Private therapy sessions with Joseph White can be solicited. Private therapy sessions would offer his clients private rooms where they would be able to express themselves concerning their disorder with Joseph White. Additionally, his private therapy session is client-tailored which would make the therapeutic service more helpful and supportive.
Group therapy sessions
Joseph White attends group therapy. Group therapy is a forum that gives the clients the feeling of belonging among other people. Group therapy gives a feel of community, and clients who have been socially isolated may find more support from the system.
Family and Relationship Counseling
Marriages and family therapy are conducted based on a problem concerning the situation of the family regarding how it affects his mental health. Therapy solutions to problems in communication, solutions for conflicts, and ways of healthy relationships are therefore in place.
Telehealth Counseling Options
An online counseling session is offered by Joseph White. By doing so, sitting at home will have an effective system related to mental health consultation.
One effective counselor is Joseph White. He practices his therapies scientifically evidenced treatments. Joseph White primarily practiced evidence-based therapies that involve scientifically tested methods. This therefore is assured to ensure clients get standardized mental health care.
Personalized and Compassionate Care
Every client is different and, therefore, unique, coming from a different background. Joseph White requires time for everything to sink into his heart. Developing honest relationships with each client is part of the work done in assisting the therapy. Affordable yet accessible services
He takes free mental health care services gladly only because he never compromises in seeing to the people’s ending up obtaining an excellent state of the human mind. This comes forth as a result of doing all this by assuring that his services offer support under different kinds of policies on insurance and becomes utterly flexible with the aspects relating to the payment matter. In doing so and hence, he makes all such patients come to his treatment chambers without any compromising related to their financial dealings.
Knowing Joseph White
Meeting Stage
This is the consulting stage; to let the client express what his needs are; and so that Joseph White can put down a general outline on what could work on the treatment. This kind of meeting is giving an avenue to the client to ask for questions and set up an expectation with regards to what the process of counseling can be expected.
Insurance accepted, and payment options:
Joseph White would take all the big insurance companies with him. He does not care about varied payment plans if someone has no insurance. This is the reason he has no qualms over treating anyone, be it a rich man or poor.
Address and Contact
Joseph White resides at Virginia. If you’d like to know anything which may be pertinent to his handling, consulting or any thing else, write to or phone him at his abode.
Most customers have appreciated the caring attitude and helpful strategies that were carried out by Joseph White in the sessions of counseling. His professional approach, empathetic attitude towards the clients, and interest in working with them over mental health issues are well reflected in the customer testaments.
Habitually Clarified pressing issues (FAQs)
What is Joseph White’s NPI Number?
Joseph White NPI is that unique identity number which the health sector uses to make it convenient for the billing and the insurance processes. To potential clients who may require verifications of his credentials, it is usually found either in the health care or in his office.
The Treatment of Anxiety by Joseph White
There is also cognitive-behavioral therapy. That is, this type of treatment targets ensuring the patients understand some of the causators of their conditions hence them treating the symptoms and the anxiety disorders in the correct ways.
Telephone counseling with Joseph White?
Yes. A patient would present his demand to be counseled through the comfort of their house setting with the telephone counseling service of Joseph White. .
Does Joseph White do family therapy?
Yes, Joseph White offers family and relationships counseling. In this context, the therapists work alongside the clients to come up with much healthier relationships while solving conflicts regarding families.
What is Joseph White specializing in?
Joseph White specializes in anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, and managing stress among many other issues of mental health.
What does it cost to be counseled by Joseph White?
This shall cost based on the type of treatment and frequency but Joseph White has his means of compensations that cut across with the various packages with majority of the insurance covered making his service practically accessible for nearly everybody mostly.
Conclusion: Why you should choose Joseph White in Virginia for your mental health treatments
He is very candid about counseling, for that matter, miles away from the majority of counselors because he is very humane and evidence-based in dealing with the mental health of people. Experienced for centuries long with an approach that made such support available to all and concentrating on personal care so that mental health assistance is actually quite effective for the concerned individual and family in Virginia.