robertson county school individual health plan

Individual Health Plans
These plans are issued to students whose health needs during school create an impression for public concern. The list does not comprise all as it has one of the following conditions: asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, mental illness disorders, and other physical disabilities. IHPs prepare beforehand if offering students’ rights regarding a safe and accessible learning environment in regards to their health needs and procedures .
IHP Purpose and Objectives
IHP is safe. Identify your students’ daily health needs that might be adversely affected during the crisis  Inclusive. In any school-based activity undertaken and include all students  Communications. A member of the parents, health professionals, and the staffs in the school  Legal documentation. S/he ascertains the students’ health needs and extant accommodations the student requires
The four cross-cutting outcomes of the IHP are specially developed so that they can give that following are availableEarly intervention and treatment Safe and supportive environments, in which Health-related barriers to learning are at a minimum, and, elements of the Individual Health PlanElements of the Individual Health PlanA generic IHP will, at the least comprise the following:  students’ INFO  Student’s Name Age Grade Emergency Contact Information. .\
Student’s primary Physician and Specialists History.
2.Student Medical History
History of past personal health condition including diagnosed chronic illness, allergies, disabilities, psychiatric condition.
Surgical procedure or hospitalization which occurred before the time of onset of the condition and triggering events that occurred concurrent with the condition.

  1. Summary Health Condition
    Medical condition; that might cause the onset of signs and environment predisposing factors likely to trigger case of the student’s health
    Exploration of any predictable or anticipated complications and how the school would likely prevent them
  2. Treatment Plan and Medication
    A list of medication with instructions for dose and when to administer and what plan will be on campus for storage for each
    Other medications including insulin injection, nebulized treatments, rescue antiepileptics.
    To whom medication should be administered: school nurse, trained staff, self-administration).
  3. Daily Care and Management
    Any intervention treatments, including diet exclusion, mechanical restrictions, hydration
    Blood glucose monitoring for seizure activity as well as behavioral stressors
    Other intervention programs of what to do how to intervene if child status deteriorates
  4. Crisis Response Protocol
    Specific emergency plans that might be at any hour of the day, where an emergency happens medically that could but is not limited to symptoms of an attack wherein the student’s disability would trigger such as hypoglycemia or anaphylaxis.
    Procedure for accessing the contact during an emergency involving the name of parents/guardians
    Staff Identified and their role in regards first aid contact and 911
  5. Accommodations Education
    Alteration of Learning Environment but not limited to: Sitting for more time for exams and more time to complete assignments Accommodative Changes Physical accommodation including, but not limited to, ramp wheelchair special seating arrangement or sitting closest to nurse’s station Change of field trips, clubs, sporting events 8. Communication Plan Calendar of meeting to school, family, and health provider Communication plan, FERPA confidentiality agreement, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
    Health Events Monitoring and Interventions Analysis   Health Events Monitoring and Interventions Analysis  Refer the Individual Health Plan The initiating process of IHP is a mutual cooperation of the school staff as well as the providers of health to the student and his family. General steps of the process include.
    Collaboration. Like when developing an IHP, collaboration among the patient, his family, and health providers has to be available
    Recording and Book-keeping. All the paper works that are either health and laws must be documented 2. Staffing and Training 3. Employees Training 3. teachers, aides, and bus drivers who directly care for the student must be trained on how to care for that student 3. drills and procedures 
    Drills must be conducted quarterly at least to refresh the minds of the workers on what to do in case of emergencies
    Only when the procedures are to be read few times over, then and then only, they should be read and changed
    Review and Monitor the IHP
    The IHP can be provided to the growing health needs of the student if monitored on periodical basis. Characteristics of Monitoring
    Quarterly Reviews: Activity to see if the daily activities, changes, and crisis intervention exist then do they work.
    Staff and Family Feedback: If any kind of problem or lacuna is seen, gather as much information possible so modification of IHP could be corrected.
    Modification of the Plan: Individualized IHP in the event of any of the following conditions and also incorporates an update on the student, drugs, or school interventions.
    Legal and ethical issues
    Though, one thing to be added that provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act are special federal legislation for rights of students. All terms along with legal provision have to be followed against which IHP has to be designed. Besides right of privacy and confidentiality of a student, there should also be the right of a student to be included.
    Example Case: IHP for a Student with Type 1 Diabetes
    IHP for the Student with Type 1 Diabetes
    IHP-Insulin Management: Provide dose-tapering and monitoring of blood glucose level.
    IHP-Dietary Needs: Snack time table, carbohydrate exchanges, and be ready for meal intake
    IHP-Exercise Modifications: Maximum care has to be taken in case of Physical Education
    IHP-Emergency Procedures: Immediate action with cases of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and infusion of glucagon.